SentiNL Installation
Libraries to install
Debian, Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libfontconfig libfreetype6
sudo yum install fontconfig freetype
Kibana 4.x
Snapshot Plugin Install
Browse to our releases and choose the relevant version, ie: tag-4.6.4-4
to use for installing the plugin:
/opt/kibana/bin/kibana plugin --install sentinl -u
Dev Plugin Install
git clone
cd sentinl && npm install && npm run package
/opt/kibana/bin/kibana plugin --install sentinl -u file://`pwd`/sentinl-latest.tar.gz
Kibana 5.x
There are two modes for Sentinl install
User mode
- Look at the Sentinl releases, find a release which matches your Kibana version, find .zip package which matches Kibana subversion and copy its URL. For example
- Go in Kibana
cd kibana
- Install Sentinl
./bin/kibana-plugin install
- Start Kibana
Developer mode
- Ensure you have correct Node.js version to run your Kibana
cat kibana/.node_version
- Clone Sentinl repo
git clone
- Go in Sentinl folder
cd sentinl
- Install packages
npm install
- Look at the available branches
git branch -a
- Find a branch which matches your Kibana version, for example
- Checkout inside this branch
git checkout branch-5.6
- Ensure you have a subversion which matches Kibana subversion
grep version package.json
. Correct the subversion inpackage.json
to match the Kibana subversion. For example, you should have5.6.5
there if Kibana is5.6.5
. - Install Sentinl and leave gulp working to live sync code changes
gulp dev --kibanahomepath=/path/to/kibana
- Open a new terminal or bash session etc.
- Go in Kibana
cd kibana
- Start Kibana
npm start
NEXT: Proceed with configuration