SENTINL watchers can generate snapshots of Kibi, Kibana (or any other website) and deliver them on your schedule using the dedicated report action, powered by PhantomJS.

So your Boss wants to see some charts each Monday? No problem!

  "_index": "watcher",
  "_type": "watch",
  "_id": "reporter_v8g6p5enz",
  "_score": 1,
  "_source": {
    "trigger": {
      "schedule": {
        "later": "on the first day of the week"
    "report": true,
    "actions": {
      "report_admin": {
        "report": {
          "to": "reports@localhost",
          "from": "sentinl@localhost",
          "subject": "SENTINL Report",
          "priority": "high",
          "body": "Sample SENTINL Screenshot Report",
          "snapshot": {
            "res": "1280x900",
            "url": "",
            "path": "/tmp/",
            "params": {
              "delay": 5000


Report actions requires:

  • SENTINL 4.5+
  • PhantomJS installed on the Kibi/Kibana host, ie: npm install phantomjs-prebuilt -g
  • A valid email configuration in kibana.yml

Report Away!

With a pinch of luck, you will soon receive your first report with a screenshot attached.

Common Issues
  • Unhandled rejection Error: spawn phantomjs ENOENT
    • PhantomJS is not available to Node-Horseman