Sentinl supports authentication via Search Guard. There are several options available.

Authenticate search request


  1. Authenticate Sentinl via single user - sg_kibana_server. Look this example.

Siren Platform (former Kibi)

  1. Authenticate Sentinl via single user - default sentinl from Access Controll app. For example, default kibi.yml
# Access Control configuration
  enabled: true
    password: "12345678123456781234567812345678"
  admin_role: kibiadmin
      username: sentinl
      password: password

Kibana or Siren Platform

Also, there is a possibility to create multiple user credentials and assign these credentials to watchers, one credential per watcher. Thus authenticating each watcher separately. It is called impersonation. The credentials should be created in Search Guard and the required permissions should be assigned.

Then, put the following configuration inside kibana.yml

      enabled: true 
      mode: 'basic'
      https: true
      admin_username: 'sentinl'
      admin_sha: '6859a748bc07b49ae761f5734db66848' 
      user_index: 'sentinl_users'
      user_type: 'user' 
      verify_certificate: false
      path_to_pem: '/home/kibi/.pem/sentinl.pem'
        algorithm: 'aes256'
        key: 'b9726b04608ac48ecb0b6918214ade54'
        iv_length: 16

Where admin_username is Sentinl system user which should be added manualy in Search Guard. Create admin password hash admin_sha using sentinl/scripts/encryptPassword.js script. For this, edit variable plainTextPassword value, replacing 'admin' with your password. Copy the generated hash and paste as the admin_sha value.

The index defined by user_index holds user documents, each one with username and sha hash. Set verify_certificate to false while using a self-signed certificate. Also, you can change password hashing complexity tunning options inside encryption. Node.js crypto library is used to hash and unhash user password.

Finally, insert the user credentials into username and password input fields in the General tab of the watcher UI editor. screenshot from 2017-12-14 15-52-04 Note, these fields are visible only when the impersonation authentication type is enabled: true. The fields are one-way only, you can insert credentials but you don't see them. This was done to prevent other Sentinl admins to see the credentials set by you.

Authenticate report